Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schmidt

 Researcher |   Lecturer |   Developer |   Lifeguard |   Trainer


I am a computer scientist by trade and doing research & development and teaching in the area of open dependable cyber-physical systems. I have a particular interest in dependable software engineering, computer networking and open source.

I was born at 356ppm and care about sustainability.


I do research concerned with the following topics:
(you find a full list of publications below)

Resource-aware Communication and Computation

As of today, most industrial-grade programming and communication systems lack first-class support for non-functional aspects (such as latency demand, energy demand, carbon emissions, ...). This includes both measuring, optimizing, and enforcing (at runtime) as well as arguing about the overall system integration (at design/compile time). Our work aims at bringing holistic resource-awareness across computation and communication stacks.

Dependable Cyber-Physical Production Systems

The fourth industrial revolution (I4.0) puts computation at the heart of production systems. These industries have high requirements with respect to (worker) safety assurance and (product) quality assurance. In practice, this often involves various informal, non-generalizable, paper-based processes arguing about safety/quality. Our work is concerned with making these assurance activities more formal, more generalizable (i.e. modular, composable), as well as truly digital.

Machine Learning for Dependability

The hype around machine learning approaches aside, there is potential in applying it in carefully chosen scenarios. In our work, we apply machine learning to problems involving dependable systems and networking, where traditional approaches failed (either due to computational complexity or lack of formal models). We do so in a informed manner, i.e. we refrain from building black-boxes and ignoring domain knowledge. Instead, we attempt to build hybrid solutions, using domain-knowledge where possible and only resorting to machine learning where appropriate.

My (more or less relevant) scientific numbers are:

I have been honoured to publish together with the following co-authors:

  1. Mohammed Naveed Akram
  2. Yousuf Al-Obaidi
  3. Koorosh Aslansefat
  4. Aaron Bies
  5. Karsten Berns
  6. Markus Berg
  7. Marlene Böhmer
  8. Tobias Büttner
  9. Georg Carle
  10. Dennis Christmann
  11. Christian Eichler
  12. Al-Harith Farhad
  13. Christof Fetzer
  14. Juan A. Fraire
  15. Joshua Frey
  16. Sebastian Gallenmüller
  17. Luis Gerhorst
  18. Christian Giehl
  19. Pablo Gil Pereira
  20. René Glebke
  21. Reinhard Gotzhein
  22. Stephan Günther
  23. Eric Hauser
  24. Santiago M. Henn
  25. Thorsten Herfet
  26. Benedikt Herzog
  27. Holger Hermanns
  28. Daniel Hillen
  29. Jessica Horbelt
  30. Timo Hönig
  31. Tom Huck
  32. Maximilian Köhl
  33. Tobias Lange
  34. Nishanth Laxman
  35. Maurice Leclaire
  36. Christoph Ledermann
  37. Moritz Miodek
  38. Moritz Ohmer
  39. Robin Ohs
  40. Jan Reich
  41. Max Reichardt
  42. Stefan Reif
  43. Jan Rüth
  44. Markus Schandar
  45. Patrick Schlosser
  46. Daniel Schneider
  47. Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat
  48. Ioannis Sorokos
  49. Sarah Sterz
  50. Gregory Stock
  51. Denis Uecker
  52. Kai Vogelgesang
  53. Klaus Wehrle
  54. Julius Wenzel
  55. Dominic Zimmer


Besides these public funded projects, I also contributed to undisclosed industrial projects.


Dependable Systems and Software Chair (Saarland University)

Active & Upcoming Previous


Telecommunications Lab (Saarland University)

  • Hands-On Networking: SS20, SS19, SS18, SS17, SS16
  • Digital Transmission and Signal Processing (previously Telecommunications I): WS19/20, WS15/16, WS13/14
  • Forschungstage Informatik: SS19, SS18
  • Several guest lectures in other courses at Saarland University

Professional Activities

  • DSN - Program Committee Member: 2025, 2024
  • EuroSys - Program Committee Member: 2025
  • PEACHES (Dagstuhl Seminar Series) - Participant: 2024, 2022
  • SETTA - Program Committee Member: 2024
  • SCICO - Reviewer: 2024
  • QUATIC - Program Committee Member: 2024
  • TACAS - Reviewer: 2024
  • QEST - Artifact Evaluation Committee Member: 2023
  • MEMOCODE - Reviewer: 2022
  • GI SKILL "Studierendenkonferenz Informatik" - Reviewer: 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
  • SafeCOMP - Reviewer: 2021
  • SHIFT Workshop - Reviewer: 2021, 2020
  • IEEE CPN Workshop - Web Chair: 2020, 2019
  • Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA) - Reviewer: 2017, 2016

Thesis Advisory & Review

Students where I acted as reviewer are marked with .

Dependable Systems and Software (Saarland University)

  • Robin Ohs, Ph.D. Student
    2023 - now
  • Dominic Zimmer, Ph.D. Student
    2023 - now
  • Felix Caglioti, BSc. Student
  • Janik Keller, MSc. Student
  • Vojtech Prochazka, BSc. Student


  • Mei Chen, MSc. Student

Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE

  • Yousuf Al-Obaidi, MSc. Student

Telecommunications Lab (Saarland University)

  • Lukas Bard, MSc. Student
  • Daniel Birtel, MSc. Student
  • Marlene Böhmer, MSc. Student
  • Sebastian Morgenstern, BSc. Student
  • Pablo Gil Pereira, MSc. Student
  • Ashkan Taslimi, MSc. Student
  • Philipp Tennigkeit, BSc. Student
  • Kai Vogelgesang, BSc. Student

International Research Visits

Free Open Source Software

Presentations & (Invited) Talks


Rust: Safe Beyond Memory
Schmidt, Andreas
Rust: Safe Beyond Memory
Inria PARKAS Seminar

Sustainable System Software
Schmidt, Andreas
Sustainable System Software
Inria Whisper


Galvanizing System Software for Reduced Carbon Footprint
Schmidt, Andreas and Eichler, Christian and Gerhorst, Luis and Hönig, Timo
Galvanizing System Software for Reduced Carbon Footprint
1st Workshop on NetZero Carbon Computing (NetZero)
[website] [slides]


Approaches for Resilience- and Latency-Aware Networking
Schmidt, Andreas and Herfet, Thorsten
Approaches for Resilience- and Latency-Aware Networking
International Symposium on Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (NetCPS)


You can find my publications in this list, as well as on dblp, Google Scholar, and arXiv:


Traceability and Accountability by Construction
Wenzel, Julius and Köhl, Maximilian and Sterz, Sarah and Schmidt, Andreas and Fetzer, Christof and Hermanns, Holger
Traceability and Accountability by Construction
13th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA) - X-by-Construction Meets AI

A Stability-first Approach to Running TCP over Starlink
Stock, Gregory and Fraire, Juan A. and Henn, Santiago and Hermanns, Holger and Schmidt, Andreas
A Stability-first Approach to Running TCP over Starlink
4th Workshop on Satellite Mega-Constellations in the 6G Era (6GSatComNet)
[doi] [website]

Automated Fault Tree Generation for Rust Programs
Zimmer, Dominic and Schmidt, Andreas
Automated Fault Tree Generation for Rust Programs
19th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC)
[doi] [website]


Matching Distributions under Structural Constraints
Bies, Aaron and Hermanns, Holger and Köhl, Maximilian and Schmidt, Andreas
Matching Distributions under Structural Constraints
20th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST)
[doi] [website]

SafetyKube: Towards Orchestration at the Edge for Critical Production Systems
Al-Obaidi, Yousuf and Sorokos, Ioannis and Schmidt, Andreas
SafetyKube: Towards Orchestration at the Edge for Critical Production Systems
33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL)
[doi] [paper] [website]

carbond: An Operating-System Daemon for Carbon Awareness
Schmidt, Andreas and Stock, Gregory and Ohs, Robin and Gerhorst, Luis and Herzog, Benedict and Hönig, Timo
carbond: An Operating-System Daemon for Carbon Awareness
2nd Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems (HotCarbon)
[doi] [paper] [video] [code] [website]

ResourceGauge: Enabling Resource-Aware Software Components
Schmidt, Andreas and Gerhorst, Luis and Vogelgesang, Kai and Hönig, Timo
ResourceGauge: Enabling Resource-Aware Software Components
17th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time applications (ECRTS-OSPERT)
[paper] [code] [website]

DeepSHARQ: Hybrid Error Coding using Deep Learning
Gil Pereira, Pablo and Vogelgesang, Kai and Miodek, Moritz and Schmidt, Andreas and Herfet, Thorsten
DeepSHARQ: Hybrid Error Coding using Deep Learning
Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments (JRIE)
[doi] [paper] [code] [website]


Plug-and-Produce.. safely! End-to-End Model-Based Safety Assurance for Reconfigurable Industry 4.0
Hillen, Daniel and Huck, Tom and Laxman, Nishanth and Ledermann, Christoph and Reich, Jan and Schlosser, Patrick and Schmidt, Andreas and Schneider, Daniel and Uecker, Denis
Plug-and-Produce.. safely! End-to-End Model-Based Safety Assurance for Reconfigurable Industry 4.0
8th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety Assessment (IMBSA)
[doi] [website]

Keep your Distance: Determining Sampling and Distance Thresholds in Machine Learning Monitoring
Farhad, Al-Harith and Sorokos, Ioannis and Schmidt, Andreas and Akram, Mohammed Naveed and Aslansefat, Koorosh and Schneider, Daniel
Keep your Distance: Determining Sampling and Distance Thresholds in Machine Learning Monitoring
8th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety Assessment (IMBSA)
[doi] [website]

DeepHEC: Hybrid Error Coding using Deep Learning
Pereira, Pablo Gil and Schmidt, Andreas and Herfet, Thorsten
DeepHEC: Hybrid Error Coding using Deep Learning
Distinguished Paper Award
18th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC)
[doi] [preprint] [website]

Skalierbare Herstellung von ATMPs: Notwendige Kernbausteine für die standardisierte automatisierte Produktion von neuartigen Zell- und Gentherapeutika
Gebken, Natalie et al.
Skalierbare Herstellung von ATMPs: Notwendige Kernbausteine für die standardisierte automatisierte Produktion von neuartigen Zell- und Gentherapeutika
Fraunhofer Publica
[doi] [paper]


A Framework for Automated Quality Assurance and Documentation for Pharma 4.0
Schmidt, Andreas and Frey, Joshua and Hillen, Daniel and Horbelt, Jessica and Schandar, Markus and Schneider, Daniel and Sorokos, Ioannis
A Framework for Automated Quality Assurance and Documentation for Pharma 4.0
40th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SafeCOMP)

Live in ConSerts: Model-Driven Runtime Safety Assurance on Microcontrollers, Edge, and Cloud - Practical Experience Report
Schmidt, Andreas and Reich, Jan and Sorokos, Ioannis
Live in ConSerts: Model-Driven Runtime Safety Assurance on Microcontrollers, Edge, and Cloud - Practical Experience Report
17th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC)
[doi] [code] [website]


Latency-aware and-predictable Communication with Open Protocol Stacks for Remote Drone Control
Böhmer, Marlene and Schmidt, Andreas and Pereira, Pablo Gil and Herfet, Thorsten
Latency-aware and-predictable Communication with Open Protocol Stacks for Remote Drone Control
16th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS Wi-DroIT)
[doi] [preprint] [website]

Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport Services for Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems
Schmidt, Andreas and Pereira, Pablo Gil and Herfet, Thorsten
Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport Services for Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems
Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress
[paper] [website]

X-Leep: Leveraging Cross-Layer Pacing for Energy-Efficient Edge Systems
Reif, Stefan and Herzog, Benedict and Pereira, Pablo Gil and Schmidt, Andreas and Büttner, Tobias and Hönig, Timo and Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang and Herfet, Thorsten
X-Leep: Leveraging Cross-Layer Pacing for Energy-Efficient Edge Systems
Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (WEEE)
[doi] [website]


Cross-layer Pacing for Predictably Low Latency
Schmidt, Andreas and Reif, Stefan and Gil Pereira, Pablo and Hönig, Timo and Herfet, Thorsten and Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang
Cross-layer Pacing for Predictably Low Latency
Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE Workshop on Ultra-Low Latency in Wireless Networks (Infocom ULLWN)
[doi] [paper] [website]

Enabling Wireless Network Support for Gain Scheduled Control
Gallenmüller, Sebastian and Glebke, René and Günther, Stephan and Hauser, Eric and Leclaire, Maurice and Reif, Stefan and Rüth, Jan and Schmidt, Andreas and Carle, Georg and Herfet, Thorsten and Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang and Wehrle, Klaus
Enabling Wireless Network Support for Gain Scheduled Control
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys)
[doi] [website]


Cross-layer effects on training neural algorithms for video streaming
Pereira, Pablo Gil and Schmidt, Andreas and Herfet, Thorsten
Cross-layer effects on training neural algorithms for video streaming
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGMM Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV)
[doi] [preprint] [website]

Δelta: Differential Energy-Efficiency, Latency, and Timing Analysis for Real-Time Networks
Reif, Stefan and Schmidt, Andreas and Hönig, Timo and Herfet, Thorsten and Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang
Δelta: Differential Energy-Efficiency, Latency, and Timing Analysis for Real-Time Networks
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (ECRTS RTN)
[doi] [website]


NEAT: Network Experiment Automation Tool
Schmidt, Andreas and Herfet, Thorsten
NEAT: Network Experiment Automation Tool
Proceedings of the 1. KuVS Fachgespräch Network Softwarization
[doi] [paper]

Transparent Transmission Segmentation in Software-Defined Networks
Schmidt, Andreas and Herfet, Thorsten
Transparent Transmission Segmentation in Software-Defined Networks
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft)
[doi] [paper] [website]

X-Lap: A Systems Approach for Cross-layer Profiling and Latency Analysis for Cyber-Physical Networks
Reif, Stefan and Schmidt, Andreas and Hönig, Timo and Herfet, Thorsten and Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang
X-Lap: A Systems Approach for Cross-layer Profiling and Latency Analysis for Cyber-Physical Networks
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (ECRTS RTN)
[doi] [paper] [website]


Low-Latency Multimedia Streaming using Open Networking Environments
Schmidt, Andreas and Lange, Tobias and Herfet, Thorsten
Low-Latency Multimedia Streaming using Open Networking Environments
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC-Chengdu)

Improving Multimedia Streaming from the Network's Core
Schmidt, Andreas and Herfet, Thorsten
Improving Multimedia Streaming from the Network's Core
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin)


Vertical Integration and Adaptive Services in Networked Production Environments
Christmann, Dennis and Schmidt, Andreas and Giehl, Christian and Reichardt, Max and Ohmer, Moritz and Berg, Markus and Berns, Karsten and Gotzhein, Reinhard and Herfet, Thorsten
Vertical Integration and Adaptive Services in Networked Production Environments
International Conference on Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP-Future)